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Hospitals and Facilities

Hospitals and surgery centers work with Medical Business Management to improve their revenue stream from CRNA professional services (Part B). By outsourcing the subset of anesthesia billing, hospitals turn a small-dollar billing headache into a profit center, allowing them to focus on their higher dollar revenue stream.

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How We Assist Hospitals and Facilities

Areas where MBM can assist a hospital:
Credentialing providers
CPT and ICD-10 coding
Data Entry
Payment posting
Patient Inquiries
eDelivery of Statements
Payment logs
Niche market, smaller dollar value
Increase revenue
Anesthesia specific software
Coverage Discovery Tool for Self Pay Patients
Production analysis
Data downloads
Encounter forms/charge sheets
Credit card processing
Electronic funds transfer
Electronic data interchange
MBM works with the hospital and their anesthesia staff to help implement and train the providers on how to strengthen collections. MBM uses anesthesia-specific billing software to increase revenue where others fall short.

MBM is a full-service medical billing, claims, and medical practice management company. We handle all aspects of credentialing, coding, data input, filing claims, payment posting, follow-up, and collections.

MBM has multiple strategies to separate anesthesia revenue from hospital revenue. We work closely with your business office using a payment log to ensure that all monies posted and deposited match. MBM has extensive financial and productivity reporting capabilities.
MBM embraces technology, data sharing, and patient information downloads from the hospital. These activities streamline claim processing within the revenue cycle.

Contact us to see how your practice can improve cash flow and streamline processes.
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Anesthesia Revenue Calculator

Enter your e-mail address to receive an estimate of your Anesthesia Billing revenue. We will also e-mail you a copy of our white paper "The Top 9 Things You Need To Know About The Anesthesia Revenue Cycle Management."

1025 Montgomery Hwy Suite 100
Birmingham, AL 35216
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