As the value-based care trend continues, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) will face a variety of challenges. But what do these challenges look like, and how will value-based care affect the future for CRNAs? Read on to learn more.
Proper Valuation
Currently, the trend is to move away from fee based service and toward bundled care, also known as value-based care. Because of this, CRNAs want to make sure that their anesthesia services are properly valued.
Supporters of value-based care have suggested that it will result in higher accountability standards for health care spending by ensuring that any care given to patients is actually necessary. This, they say, will lead to better care coordination.
Those who oppose the move to value-based care argue that this method will result in contention between provider groups when it comes to reimbursement, because there is no proof that bundled care will actually decrease costs.
The Impact of Value-Based Care on Anesthesia Providers
For CRNAs and anesthesiologists, the result of all this will likely be lower reimbursement and a more demanding workload. If we look down the road a bit further, there are other unintentional consequences of this shift to value-based care:
- Nursing and medical students with a decreased interest in anesthesia
- An increase in CRNAs and anesthesiologists leaving their profession early
- A continued shortage of anesthesia providers
What Does the Future Hold?
Like all medical professionals, CRNAs already encounter a variety of challenges in the health care world. But for those looking to start (or continue) a career in anesthesia, the future seems to include uncertain reimbursement, a focus on safety and quality, and a demand for evidence of value – which will end up driving both policy and practice.
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