Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama just released its latest adjustments to anesthesia rates for anesthesia billing.
Specifically, the insurer increased rates for two ASA codes: 00740 and 00810. The new rates are as follows:
- 00740 = $285
- 00810 = $315
Additionally, per communications with BCBSAL, the MAC anesthesia policy #470 and endoscopy anesthesia policy #265 will be reviewed and possibly eliminated.
As we mentioned last month, BSBCAL has previously issued anesthesia billing adjustments for MAC. The previous rates were $248 for code 00740 and $275 for code 00810. It’s presumed that the 65/35 split will remain the same if care is medically directed by an anesthesiologist. If it’s performed by a CRNA only, the reimbursement will be 70 percent.
This rate increase, as with the previous rate changes, will impact all anesthesia providers in Alabama. For questions about these changes, as well as any other questions about anesthesia billing, please contact us.