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December 5, 2016

The Importance of Full Practice Authority

December 5, 2016

full practice authority

For Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), full practice authority is one of the most important issues when it comes to job satisfaction. According to evidence dating back to 2000, CRNAs have provided high quality, cost efficient, safe anesthesia care equal to that of anesthesiologists. But there’s a new rule on the horizon related to Veterans Administration APRNs, including CRNAs. What is this rule, and what does it mean for CRNAs?

The Promise of Full Practice Authority

Recently, a rule was proposed that would utilize all VA APRNs, including CRNAs, to their full practice authority. The purpose of this rule is to expand veteran access care, reducing the outrageous (and dangerous) wait times that many of our veterans are dealing with. All APRNs would be able to work to the full extent of their training, education, certification, and licensure, which is what they already do in all branches of the U.S. military and most states, plus Indian Health Services.

Response from the Medical Field

Reactions to the proposed rule have been mixed. The Institute of Medicine and the RAND corporation have both recommended this removal of obstacles between APRNs and full practice authority; however, even though the issue seems logical and is obviously needed, it has encountered resistance from other sectors of organized medicine.

One group that countered the proposed rule was the American Society of Anesthesiologists, but no evidence-based reasoning has been produced by any physician group for their opposition.

MBM Is Always Updated on New Rules

When it comes to understanding everything that’s coming down the pipe for 2017 (and boy, is it a lot), we make it a point to stay up-to-date on every new proposed rule and regulation. If you’re looking for a medical billing company who can handle your claims and coding, plus keep you afoot of the latest trends, laws, and policy changes, contact Medical Business Management. We’ll handle the paperwork so you can focus on your patients.

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