Medical Business Management would like to join with the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) in honoring Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists during National CRNA week. The week of January 20th has been set aside to show appreciation for CRNAs and to raise awareness for the important work that they do.
Nurse anesthetists have been providing anesthesia care to patients in the United States for more than 150 years.
The CRNA Personal Touch
A CRNA doesn’t see their work day as full of procedures to be completed, but full of individuals to be cared for. They are the calming voice that put your fears at ease as they prepare you to undergo your procedure and reassure you that you’re in good hands. These nurse anesthetists are your advocate. They stay with you from start to finish and provide a full spectrum of care while they speak on your behalf to the entire medical team and make sure you stay comfortable throughout your procedure. Known for their personal touch, they are the heart in what can otherwise feel cold and routine. While the doctors and nurses are focused on specific tasks, the CRNA keeps a big picture perspective to ensure your overall well-being. This perspective can play a vital role in coordinating patient care and ensuring the best possible outcome. Join us in saying “Thank you!” to all our CRNAs.
CRNAs are constantly facing new challenges. Medical Business Management values our relationship with CRNAs nationwide, and we are committed to helping our clients navigate these uncertain times. Even if policies change, the expertise that we bring to practice management, coding, reimbursement, and billing will ensure that you are compensated fairly and in a timely manner.
Do you have questions about the work that we do for CRNAs? Contact us today for more information.