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September 30, 2020

Alert: COVID-19 Relief Grants for Health Care and Emergency Response Providers

September 30, 2020

The State of Alabama recently made an important announcement that could have a big impact on Alabama Health Care and Emergency Response providers. The State is issuing COVID19 Relief Grants for providers that meet certain eligibility requirements. The Alert letter is included below.

IMPORTANT: These disbursements are on a first-come, first-served basis, starting noon October 5, 2020. 


Alabama Medicaid Agency Alert 

September 28, 2020 

TO: All Providers 

RE: COVID-19 Relief Grants for Health Care and Emergency Response Providers 

The State of Alabama will offer cash grants in an amount up to $15,000 for Alabama Health Care and  Emergency Response Providers that meet eligibility requirements. Total approved disbursements will be  awarded to eligible applicants on a first-come, first-served basis up to a $35 million aggregate cap. The  Alabama Provider Grants are to support providers who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19  pandemic. The application process for this grant program is being administered by the Alabama Department  of Finance. 

The application period for the Alabama Health Care and Emergency Response Provider Grant Program will  be open on noon October 5, 2020 and end at noon October 16, 2020

Eligible providers for this grant program include: 

Health care providers including primary care clinics, ambulance/EMS service providers, pharmacies,  physician offices, dentist offices, outpatient care centers, medical and diagnostic laboratories, home health care businesses, assisted living facilities, physical therapy offices, and other provider types. 

Emergency response providers including rescue squad organizations, volunteer fire departments, 911 boards,  and other provider types.  

Please select the following links to learn more details about Alabama Provider Grants.

Provider Grant Program Overview and Eligibility:

Frequently Asked Questions:

COVID-19 Relief Grant Program Website: 

For questions, please contact the Coronavirus Relief Funds Office by phone at 334-242-7063 or email Please include “Provider Grant Program” in the subject line of the email.


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