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March 12, 2017

5 Ways to Get Involved for Patient Safety Awareness Week

March 12, 2017

patient safety awareness week

Every year, the United in Patient Safety campaign comes to a close with Patient Safety Awareness Week. This year, March 12-18 is the observed week for dedicating time and energy to increasing awareness for patient safety. In order to further this cause, the National Patient Safety Foundation brings health professionals and patients together to spread the message about the importance of patient safety.

Read on for ways to get involved!

#1: Wear a Patient Gown to Work

One of the most visually obvious ways that health care professionals are encouraged to observe this week is by wearing a hospital gown on the job. President and CEO of NPSF, Tejal K. Ghandi, MD, MPH, CPPS, says, “We are all patients, after all. We want leaders to demonstrate a commitment to listen to the patient’s voice and strive for patient safety and the reduction of harm.”

#2: Use Social Media to its Fullest Potential

If your practice has a Facebook page, a Twitter account, an Instagram account, or a Snapchat account, be sure to post pictures of your staff in their patient gowns and explain that you are observing Patient Safety Awareness Week! Not sure what to say in your post? Try these helpful pre-written samples.

#3: Take Advantage of Campaign Materials

There are lots of materials for the campaign available for download online. You can also order items specifically for Patient Safety Awareness Week.

#4: Register on the Campaign Website

To make sure your practice stays in the loop for all campaign activities, take a moment to register here.

#5: Discuss Issues with Other Professionals

One interactive way to engage the purpose of this week is by discussing patient safety issues with other health care professionals. Through this discussion forum, you can take part in conversation surrounding health care issues, share your own experiences, and learn from the expertise of others. Join the discussion here.

Make Patient Safety Awareness Week a Success!

At Medical Business Management, we’re passionate about the wellbeing of patients and health care professionals alike. That’s why we offer services meant to relieve stress and encourage more efficient productivity. Ready to talk to us about how we can help your practice reach its full potential? Contact us today!

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